Stop Snoring Now

Elevate your quality of life with a deep, restful sleep

Seen by an Expert

Triply qualified Sleep Doctor – Medical Doctor, Dentist and Masters in Sleep Medicine

State-of-the-Art Tech

Advanced Technology that is customised to assess and cure your snoring

Very High Success Rate

Dr. Manish has a really high success rate in curing your snoring.

Free Parking Available

Located conveniently in Sydney CBD, above Town Hall station.

Payment Plans Available

INTEREST FREE payment plans available upon request.

why choose us?

At Snoring Solutions, Dr. Manish is dedicated to help you stop your snoring. After assessing you in detail he can guide you for the best snoring solution. 

Sometimes a combination of treatments outlined below may be required.

Be assured that you will end up sleeping better, feeling refreshed in the morning and hopefully sleeping without your partner being disturbed.


5 ways to stop snoring

Anti-Snoring Mouth Device

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Snoring Solutions


Weight Loss

Rediscover A Good Night's Sleep

Our Expert

With 20 years of experience

Dr Manish Shah

BDS (Hons), MBBS, MMED (Sleep Med)

Registered Dental Practitioner | Registered Medical Practitioner

Dr. Manish Shah is a triple qualified Sleep Doctor in Sydney.

Dr. Manish Shah has over 20 years of experience in treating patients with snoring and sleep apnoea.

After graduating from a degree in Dentistry with honours in 1998 (BDS Hons., University of Sydney), Dr Manish went on to complete a degree in Medicine and Surgery in 2005 (MBBS, University of Sydney).

With a special interest in craniofacial pain and sleep disorders, Dr Manish also completed a Masters in Medicine in Sleep Medicine (MMED Sleep Med, University of Sydney).

As a medical doctor and a dentist he has dedicated himself to providing wholistic care for all his patients.

Frequently asked questions

All you need to know about snoring

Can my snoring be stopped?

Yes absolutely. We will help you stop your snoring completely.

What is snoring?

During sleep, your airpipe muscles relax, narrow and vibrate during breathing. This vibration causes the snoring noise.

Wondering why you are snoring?
Can you imagine the day when
you are not snoring?

Why do I snore?

Snoring is caused by the vibration of the dangly bit at the back of the throat hitting the back of the airpipe. 

This can be because either 

  1. the airpipe is narrow
  2. The tone of the muslces of the airpipe is low leading to collapse of the airpipe during deep sleep

Where does the blockage occur?

The blockage can occur in multiple sites along the airpipe such as the nose, back of the nose, behind your top jaw, behind your bottom jaw and in the throat. 

Why is my airpipe narrow?

Your airpipe can be narrow because of the following reasons

  • Narrow jaws 
  • Fat around the neck
  • large tonsils and adenoids
  • Deviated septum in the nose
  • Large turbinates/airconditioners in the nose

Can anything else contribute to snoring?

Snoring can worsen due to 

  • Age (As we become older, the likelihood of snoring increases)
  • Being overweight
  • Alcohol and sedative drugs
  • Being Male (Snoring is more common in men)
  • When the jaw is too far back (“receding” chin)
  • Certain conditions within the central nervous system
Snoring Can
Cause Significant Problems in
Our Lives.
Snorers have also been proven
to have higher divorce rates
compared to non-snorers.

What problems can snoring cause?

The most common problems that snoring causes include

  1. sleep-deprivation for both partners and can affect your quality-of-life and your relationship.
  2. Divorce rates are higher in snorers than non snorers
  3. In social environments, snoring can be quite embarrassing eg when staying at a friend’s house, on aeroplanes, trains and buses on work trips and holidays

Is snoring dangerous to my health?

Snoring can be harmful in 2 ways

  1. It has been shown to lead to strokes
  2. When combined with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) it can lead to a lot of medical issues

There are generally three levels of snoring:

  • Snoring by itself
  • Snoring and waking up tired (upper airway resistance syndrome – UARS)
  • Snoring, waking up tired and stopping to breathe (OSA)

How do I know if I am getting good sleep?

The best way to know is to do a sleep study

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)?

This is a condition where the airpipe completely closes up,  stopping the flow of oxygen. This is when the oxygen levels drop. After 30 to 60 seconds, the brain tells the body – “wake up or you will die” leading to a micro-wakeup. This micro-wakeup allows oxygen to flow back into the lungs

Is OSA dangerous to my health?

OSA is a serious medical problem and carries many significant risks, including: much higher risk of heart attack and stroke, high blood pressure, depression, long term gradual impairment in brain function (due to reduced oxygen), poor concentration, poor memory, poor work performance, car accidents from falling asleep at the wheel and a higher risk of death

How can I tell if I have simple snoring alone, or Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)?

The best way to tell is to do a sleep study. 

Help Your
Loved Ones Enjoy
A Better Sleep.

Can My Snoring Be Fixed?


What are the snoring solutions?

  1. Anti Snoring Mouth Device: - These appliances work by being the lower jaw forward allowing the airpipe to open up and stay open during sleep. This is the most common treatment used for treatment for snoring
  2. Surgery: - Surgery may include removal of tonsils and adenoids, nasal surgery (to remove nasal polyps, reduce the turbinates that may have enlarged, deviated septum), UPPP, Laser assisted uvuloplasty, radiofrequency ablation of the tongue
  3. CPAP: -This is where a stream of air is pushed up the nose into the airpipe to keep it open at night.
  4. Lifestyle changes - These include losing weight, adding an extra pillow, avoiding sleeping on your back, avoiding alcohol and any sedating medications, using a nasal spray such as Fess to clear the nasal passages.

Will one treatment option fix my snoring?

Generally most people just need one treatment. However in some patients, a combination of treatments may be required as snoring has multiple causes with blockage occurring at several sites.

But I read in a magazine/ website/ pharmacy about a “miracle cure” that fixes ALL snoring!

Because the causes of snoring are different for every individual, any “miracle cure” that claims to cure you, WITHOUT ASSESSING YOU AS AN INDIVIDUAL is likely to be a scam. It may work for a few people, but will not work for most.

I’m confused! Each doctor I see tells me I need a different treatment!

Every doctor will have a different approach to snoring, depending on his/her area of expertise:

  • Surgeons will recommend surgery
  • Physicians will recommend CPAP
  • Dentists will recommend dental splints

Non-doctors will recommend other techniques:

  • Pharmacists will recommend sprays, tablets, pillows, nasal strips
  • Internet websites will recommend splints, sprays and other “gimmicks”
  • “Alternative” shops will recommend herbs, aromatherapy, etc

That is why we at the Snoring Solutions Clinic you will only get the RIGHT treatment, TAILOR-MADE for you and backed by a scientific approach.

How will I know which treatment is right for me?

When you visit the snoring solutions clinic we will examine your air passages and order special tests to determine exactly what is causing your snoring & how best to treat the cause.

  1. What is the cost of the treatment?
    The doctor will have evaluate you and then decide what is the best treatment for you.
    The consultation fee is 300.00 and he will guide you on the day what the best treatment for you is.

    The treatment cost will vary from 1500.00 - 5000.00 depending on type of treatment and whether you need multiple treatments to completely stop your snoring. 

  2. Does health fund cover the treatment?
    Depending on your level of cover, health funds do reimburse some of the cost of treatment.
  3. How much does it cover?
    The treatment coverage can range from 0.00 - 1500.00
  4. Does medicare cover any of the fees?
    Medicare does not cover the cost of treatment

Our Location

CONVENIENTLY Located in the heart of Sydney

Address: Level 4, 307 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000.

Take The Step.
Call Snoring Centre

Cure your snoring today


What is Snoring

Sleep Apnoea

Snoring Treatments

Anti-Snoring Device

What does Anti-snoring device do

Types of Mouth Devices

Schedule a consultation


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Payment Plans

Set up a favourable payment plan with us to take one step closer to your dream sleep.

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